promoting quality through eLearning in Africa
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Understanding Quality Concepts
Sharing Case Studies
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Sharing Case Studies

This section will contain a variety of documented case studies which will illustrate reflective stories of the trials, challenges, successes and pitfalls of implementing quality management initiatives in a variety of contexts.

In future there will be a facility to comment on and discuss each case study.

Do you have a case study that you would like to contribute?  It could be an illustrative story of how you approached implementing one or more aspects of quality management in your institution or organisation. 

Ideally a case study should be a practical account of what you planned, how you carried it out, what the results were, and what lessons you could share for the benefit of others.  Failures, trials, tribulations and heartaches are all part of learning how to improve what we do and contain many lessons for other people, so your case study does not have to illustrate a success story.

Write to me at discussions@lesleyboyd.com

"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito".
Bette Reeves

"Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers".
Anthony Robbins

"Success is 99% failure".
Soichiro Honda




University of Pretoria eLearning Unit (South Africa)
EQUIP project (Ethiopia)
ICL Training (UK)
British Airways (UK)
LanBase computer networking (UK)
Case Study 6
Case Study 7